Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Tuition Fee Investigators

From March 2013 until May 2013, me and five other aspiring journalists will be conducting an online investigation. We want to find out where student tuition fees go and what they are being spent on. We aspire to answer the questions: Do students feel that they are getting their money's worth? With the recent rise in tuition fees, has education improved? Who decides where this money goes?

My role within the investigation is to be Editor. This involves me leading the team, allocating roles and filling in the gaps of the investigation. Another major task of the Editor is to write a concluding article, summarising all of our findings. So far, I have conducted a survey to find out if students feel their degree is worth the tuition fee money. I will now be interviewing students to receive vox pops and audio opinions. In the coming weeks, I will also be contacting various organisations such as Student Finance and the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills to find out what tuition fees are actually being spent on.

We will be recording our findings on an online blog: Please feel free to read my work and the group's investigation. My posts will be found under the 'Editor' category. I hope you enjoy reading!

Abbey Hartley

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